Power Systems Audit
The complete CPSI audit of your critical power system starts with circuit tracing for all critical power dedicated circuits, from source to receptacle. All traced circuits are accurately labeled, with corrections made to inaccurate labels.

Digital Metering and trending are performed, to record and report:
- Power Quality - using state-of-the-art technology, CPSI technicians conduct an analysis of the power entering and distributed throughout your facility. As a full service electrical contractor specializing exclusively in critical power systems, we can identify and correct a wide range of problems, including voltage sags and surges, transient load spikes and frequency abnormalities.
- Capacity and Use - identifies available critical load capacity, and areas for potential improvement in efficiency of critical power supply use.
- 48-Hour Trending Window - identifies critical load variations to provide a more comprehensive analysis than “snapshot” metering.
- Panel Schedules - identify circuit use for facility use and planning.
The Comprehensive Audit Report includes complete documentation of all data recorded with comprehensive analysis and recommendations based on identified risks to the critical load. The report also includes recommendations for corrective actions as well as site development to meet or exceed future critical power needs for capacity and reliability.
For a consultation or to request a quote, fill out an online Contact Form or call (206) 782-7090.